Sackbutt, Trombone in The 17th And 18th Century

Jorgen van Rijen

Original Recording Format: DSD 64
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Trombonist Jorgen van Rijen is one of the few musicians who is among the elite of his profession when playing either a modern or a baroque instrument. This is something of a rarity among brass players, since most of Van Rijen’s colleagues find the two styles mutually incompatible. He was bitten by the bug when he was still a student and arrived in Lyon. There he met the baroque specialist Daniel Lassalle, who was giving lessons in the technique of playing historical trombones. Lassalle brought Van Rijen’s attention to the small number of surviving trombone concerti from the early Classical period and the extensive body of baroque music for small ensembles which combined the trombone with strings and continuo.

It was a revelation for Van Rijen to discover that it was possible to execute rapid running passages and delicate ornaments with the baroque trombone. Although you need a lot of breath to play a modern trombone, you don’t need much more than a sigh to make the baroque instrument sound. That means that you can play all kinds of very intricate figuration and curlicues. There are almost no trombonists of the baroque period whose names have come down to us, but there did turn out to be a certain gifted performer behind the early Classic works. He was a trombonist whose striking technical and musical abilities inspired the composers of his time, just as Van Rijen does today. The man’s name was Thomas Gschladt, and he was an Austrian who became a friend of the Mozart family in Salzburg. Leopold Mozart was on the auditioners’ commission when Gschladt came to audition for a job with the Archepiscopal court orchestra. In the course of the audition, Gschladt performed on no fewer than three instruments: trombone, trumpet, and violin, an unimaginable feat for a performer nowadays. Van Rijen only began to understand the true role of his instrument in early music when he started to perform chamber music of the baroque period. At the time, this was a relatively unexplored area of the brass repertoire.

When he got to know the musicians of the Combattimento Consort Amsterdam, a plan was soon made to perform and record a CD with a selection this music…


Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.
Concerto in B flat major - Allegro Moderato
Concerto in B flat major - Andante
Concerto in B flat major - Finale, Allegro Moderato
Sonata à 3
Quarta Sonata
Concerto in D major - Allegro
Concerto in D major - Adagio
Concerto in D major - Menuetto
Sonata à 3
Concerto in E flat major - Con Discretione (Quasi andante)
Concerto in E flat major - Allegro Assai
Sonata à 3

Total time: 00:59:29

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van den Hul T3 series

Digital Converters

Meitner A/D DSD / Meitner DA

Mastering Engineer

Jared Sacks

Mastering Equipment

B&W 803 diamond series


Bruel & Kjaer, Schoeps

Mixing Board

Rens Heijnis custom design




Original Recording Format


Hein Dekker

Recording Engineer

Jared Sacks

Recording location

Amsterdam Holland 2008

Recording Software

Pyramix, Merging Technologies

Recording Type & Bit Rate



Audiolab, Holland

Release DateJanuary 25, 2014

Press reviews

Classica Repertoire

Le jeune Nerlandais, plein de talent!! (…) L’intonation est parfaite, le jeu est clair, precis et sensible, les cadences sont d’une intelligence interpretative admirable. Ajoutons au plaisir de cd disque, celui d’une agreeable surprise avec le compositeur italien Antonio Bertali: sa musique exubrante alterne entre danse populaire, reverie et meditation profonde. Mention speciale l’ensemble Combattimento Consort Amsterdam qui livre un enregistrement d’une legance rare: les continuos habiles russissent le subtil et delicat quilibre entre presence et retenue dans l’accompagnement du soliste.

Hessischer Rundfunk

interessanter Musik darf man mit dieser Platte als auch erstklassige Musikerinnen und Musiker genieen.

Was jedoch hier erklingt, ist in seiner Art ganz anders und lsst unwillkrlich aufhorchen, da man dem Zuginstrument Posaune eine solche Virtuositt kaum zutraut. Die gleichberechtigte Partnerschaft mit den Violinen, der Vortrag von Passagen in musikalischer Wechselrede, die spielerische Ausfhrung von Verzierungen, die musikalische Wendigkeit in der Darstellung der hufig wechselnden Metrik und die farbige Ausstaffierung mit unterschiedlichen Besetzungen des Basso continuo-Parts (so etwa auch mit Fagott in Schmelzers Sonata 3′) machen die kurzen Werke zu einem wahren Hr-Abenteuer.


Knap zoals hij, optimaal mengend met het orkestspel, zijn instrument laat zingen in fraai legato en daarmee soms de illusie van hoornklanken wekt. Virtuoze stukjes muziek.


Meeslepend portret: (…) een nieuwe opname van Jrgen van Rijen, de onvolprezen solotrombonist van het Concertgebouworkest. Hij is graag van vele markten thuis en heeft een aantal historische trombones aangeschaft waarop hij met opmerkelijke souplesse en een prachtig ronde toon werken uit de 17e en 18e eeuw speelt. De concerten van Albrechtsberger, Leopold Mozart en Wagenseil klinken snoezig, maar enkele klein bezette werken van vroegbarokke meesters als Bertali, Castello en Schmelzer zijn minder conventioneel en daarom het spannendst. De violist Jan Willem de Vriend en diens Combattimento Consort bieden van Rijen levendig weerwerk.

Klassieke Zaken

Glashelder vastgelegd, sprankelend begeleid door het Combattimento Consort van Jan Willen de Vriend. Een verrukkelijke uitgave die eindigt met een ware hit: een swingend perpetuum mobile dat gewoon staat geafficheerd als Sonate a tre van Antonio Bertali. Luister en geniet!


uitzonderlijk aangename muziek (…) (…) van Rijen bespeelt zijn oude trombones met verve en elegantie, haarzuiver en met perfecte trillers waar nodig.

De Standaard, Belgium

Trombonist Jorgen van Rijen is een van die zeldzame koperblazers die zowel uitblinken op moderne als op historische instrumenten. (…) Het op moderne instrumenten spelende Combattimento Consort Amsterdam dient deze muzikant fris en levendig van repliek bij de bekende klassieke concerti van Leopold Mozart, Albrechtsberger en Wagenseil.


This Baroque instrument through its many iterations obviously did assimilate well the sweetness of the human voice with its soft tones and van Rijen makes his instruments sing with grace and lightness that is very pleasing to the ear. Highly recommended! 4 1/2 Stars, Audiophile Audition (…)
Fans of the trombone will no doubt fined this of interest, but the music turns out to be far more worthwhile and rewarding than just a sackbut showcase.

American Record Guide

This is a superb album. Rijen’s accounts of the well-known 18th-Century alto trombone concertos surpass anything I have heard, in both solo and orchestral parts. He is a world-class artist, and this album is a treasure.

Music Web International

I must say that this isn’t the kind of CD which I thought would appeal to me. After all, what kind of pleasure can one derive from an hour’s worth of 17th and 18th century trombone Concertos and chamber works? Well, quite a lot is the answer to that. This is a very interesting, and varied, programme and although most of the composers won’t be known to you, don’t let that put you off. As I often say, there’s much to enjoy here. The recording is very crisp and clear and although the performers are situated quite close to the microphones, you can still feel the ambience of the Church where the recording was made.


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