Trio C tot de derde

The Dutch music group Trio C tot de derde consists of the three musicians Carel den Hertog (violin), Coos Lettink (accordeon) and Caspar Terra (clarinet). The music they play is inspired by klezmer, music from the Balkans and gypsy-music. They create their own unique sound, performing traditional melodies in a particular and often unexpected way. Since they enjoy improvisation so much, no musical piece ever sounds twice the same. While improvising, the members of Trio C tot de derde are playfully challenging each other to virtuosity and lyrical sounds. The music they play expresses euphoric happiness, as well as intense sadness, which means music for dancing, but also for dreaming. They perform everywhere; birthday parties, weddings, commemoration-meetings, funerals, theatres, churches, festivals, in smoky pubs and on street-corners all over the world.

Trio C tot de derde (Trio Third)

Carel den Hertog (viool)

Coos Lettink (accordeon)

Caspar Terra (klarinet)

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