In his music, Locatelli pushes the boundaries of the violin technique with an unprecedented virtuoso and at times romantic vision.
The frequent use of exceptional high positions on the violin, many daredevil antics in the left hand including double stops and extended stretches, and the exploration of hitherto rarely used bow techniques, makes him a true pioneer for the violin and the development of violin technique in general.
Despite his obvious fascination for virtuosity, Locatelli ensures that one is captivated first and foremost by charming original melodies and bold characterization. His music never develops into a tour de force but remains sympathetic to both the listener and the performer.
It is therefore a dream come true to proudly present to you my new album Locatelli: L’Arte del violino.
Along with The String Soloists, an exciting young and dynamic international ensemble, I have immersed myself the past few months with great enthusiasm in Locatelli’s world of sound, colour and playfulness which ultimately resulted in the recording of his Violin Concertos opus 3 no. 1, 2 and 4.
On behalf of all of us, I wish you pleasure and joy in your exploration of Locatelli’s amazing violin repertoire!
– Lisa Jacobs
Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.Total time: 01:03:54
Additional information
Label | |
SKU | COBRA0054 |
Qualities | DSD 256 fs, DSD 128 fs, DSD 64 fs, DXD 24 Bit, FLAC 192 kHz, FLAC 96 kHz |
Channels | 2ch Stereo, 2ch Binaural, 5 Channel Surround Sound, 2ch Stereo & 2ch Binaural, 2ch Stereo & 5ch Surround, 2ch Stereo & 5ch Surround & 2ch Binaural |
Artists | |
Composers | |
Genres | |
Microphones | B&K4003 |
Awards | classic-fm-5, luister, luister-10, Luister10new1, volkskrant-4 |
Recording Type & Bit Rate | DSD64 |
Recording Software | Merging |
Recording location | Cumerakerk, Rhenen, Holland |
Recording Engineer | Tom Peeters |
Producer | Tom Peeters |
Editing Software | Pyramix |
Mixing Board | Rens Heijnis |
Digital Converters | dCS 904 and dCS954 |
Binaural | For this album we chose to record in Binaural as well. This is a perfect solution for headphone users. The recordings are made with the dummy head of Neuman, the KU-100. On a headphone this gives a surprisingly realistic image and it gives you the feeling of being at the session. This idea to develop an extra Binaural catalogue in DSD is initiated and supported by Rivasono in The Netherlands. |
Original Recording Format | |
Instruments | |
Release Date | June 15, 2016 |
Press reviews
Klassik.com dec 2017
“Dass die niederländische Violinistin diese Musik liebt und sich eingehend mit ihr beschäftigt ist, kann man an ihrer Interpretation deutlich hören. Was ihrem Spiel eine sehr persönliche Note verleiht, ist ihre absolut lupenreine Intonation und ihr glasklarer Ton. Jacobs setzt ihr Vibrato äußerst sparsam und gezielt ein, bringt aber dafür die Obertöne ihres sehr hellen Instrumentes mit aller Leuchtkraft zum Strahlen.
Die String Soloists überzeugen auf dem Tonträger mit einer absolut präzise ausgearbeiteten, abwechslungsreichen Interpretation. Sie verleihen der Musik mit Energie und den unterschiedlichsten Schattierungen ihrer Klangfarben eine gewisse Leichtigkeit und virtuosen Schmiss, ganz ohne reißerisch zu spielen oder überzogene Tempi zu wählen. Die einzelnen Ensemblemitglieder musizieren hervorragend aufeinander abgestimmt und gestalten derart spannend und aufmerksam, dass sie trotz teilweise sehr verschiedener Spielweisen niemals die Solistin überdecken oder behindern.”
The Strad, Jan 2017
Dutch violinist Lisa Jacobs performs three of Locatelli’s twelve 1733 concertos L’arte del violino op.3 with bold characterisation, and meets their formidable technical challenges with commendable athleticism and élan. She decodes Locatelli’s complex notation with artistry, makes light of his sometimes stratospheric position-work, demonstrates remarkable finger dexterity in realising the requisite extensions and double- and multiple-stoppings, and masters with apparent ease his extraordinary range of annotated bowings. Her 1683 Rugeri proves an ideal partner in recreating Locatelli’s bel canto style, and she dispatches the virtuoso capriccios in each concerto with finesse and aplomb.
Although she is a persuasive advocate of Locatelli’s fertile imagination, Jacobs does not consistently display her own invention, either in extempore ornamentation or in those cadenzas that commonly link a capriccio with the final orchestral ritornello. But she adds some humour in a couple of cadenzas, quoting a snippet from Kreisler’s cadenza for the first movement of Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in the first Allegro of no.1, and from Paganini’s Caprice no.9 in the finale of no.4. The String Soloists provide alert, sympathetic accompaniments and, apart from some occasional moments of imbalance (notably in the final Allegro of no.1), the recording is exemplary.
Fanfare, dec 2016
Her execution is exemplary, exhibiting no stress or strain in the technically demanding capriccios.
First and foremost, I think, I’d recommend this to violin students. If nothing else, it will give them something to strive for. But when it comes to the general listener, I’m just not sure Locatelli’s L’arte del violino is music to sit down and listen to for enjoyment, regardless of how spectacularly well the concertos are played.
MusicWeb International, nov 2016
“Several violinists have taken the Capricci out of context and played them separately. Locatelli was clearly an early version of Paganini and was said to be devilish and to be so powerful and theatrical that his playing was once described as being akin to an earthquake. Lisa Jacobs does not go in for such effects but plays everything with grace, elegance and beautiful sense of phrase shaping.”
“The recording is excellent, clear and adds to the overall feeling of exquisiteness and sophistication.”
Klassieke Zaken okt 2016
“Het ensemble speelt sophisticated, maar zeer betrokken en Lisa Jacobs is in de solo partij een soort ster van Betlehem die stralend boven de klankrijke weiden uitstijgt. Vooral in de capricci is Jacobs van een bijzondere klasse. Een violiste om direct te omarmen.
Luister, sept 2016
Raving reviews, the young violinist Lisa Jacobs is already accustomed to it, even in these columns (2014, for her debut CD Poeme: 10/10). On that album she exhibited relatively modern works by Ysaye and Franck, this time she goes back in time. Not only in terms of repertoire: violin concertos by the Italian Pietro Antonio Locatelli (1695-1764), who used to live in Amsterdam, but also personally. Jacobs has been captivated by this brilliant music from her early childhood on (Sunday breakfast with the family, Locatelli’s music in the background). Understandably and so right. Locatelli was not only a great violin virtuoso, but also a great composer, who did justice to all sections of the instrument long before Paganini came into the spotlight. The demanding but always natural-sounding violin parts in the concertos opus 3, which compile the title L’Arte del Violino, are embedded in warm and undulating string sounds, and the allegro movements are played in a fairly quiet pace: great music.
Jacobs and the international (Amsterdam based) ensemble The String Soloists chose to record the concertos 1,2 and 4 and what a festive joy that turned out to be!
Lisa Jacobs makes, besides the quality of the ensemble, even a greater impression in the cadenzas, shaped with great sense of style and exquisite technique.
10/10, ***** René de Cocq, Luister Magazine, September 2016
Editor’s choice for Cum Laude – Best Album:
Devilish virtuosity meets sunny melodies on this recording of Locatelli’s violin concertos by Lisa Jacobs. The young violinist is living proof that even the technically most difficult passages do not need to sound etude-like but musicality always can prevail. The recording sparkles, shines and is full of joy and that deserves a Cum Laude.
De veeleisende maar altijd natuurlijk klinkende vioolpartijen in de concerten opus 3, die samen de titel L’Arte del Violino meekregen, worden ingebed in warm-golvende strijkersklanken, en ook de allegro’s gaan in een redelijk bedaard tempo: heerlijke muziek.
Jacobs en haar internationale (vanuit Amsterdam opererende) ensemble The String Soloists kiezen hier voor de nummers 1, 2 en 4 en maken er een feest van.
10/10, ***** René de Cocq, Luister Magazine, September 2016
Duivelachtige virtuositeit treft zonnige melodiee?n op deze opname van Locatelli’s Vioolconcerten door Lisa Jacobs. De jonge violiste is het levende bewijs dat ook de technisch moeilijk- ste passages niet etude-achtig hoeven te klinken, maar muzikali- teit altijd de boventoon mag voeren. Het speelplezier straalt ervan af en dat verdient een Cum Laude.
Stefanie Westphal
Reformatorisch Dagblad, sept 2016
Een cd waarop alles klopt: virtuositeit, gaafheid, timing, articulatie, zinsbouw, zuiverheid, passie en een uitstekende opname. Misschien is die passie wel de oorzaak van mijn enthousiasme. Het spel van Jacobs straalt aan alle kanten en ze weet haar ensemble, The String Soloists, daarin mee te nemen.
NRC, august 2016
Haar toon is rank en warm, maar haar echte troef is haar vertelkracht. Uit iedere streek spreekt liefde voor het werk van de vioolvirtuoos (1695-1764) uit Bergamo die in 1729 in Amsterdam belandde en daar tot zijn dood bleef wonen.
Pizzicato, juli 2016
Die Interpretation des 2. Konzerts mit seinen drei langsamen Sätzen (Andante-Adagio-Andante) ist ein kleines Wunder an kunstvoll-expressivem Musizieren.
Klassiek Centraal, juli 2016
Op haar Locatelli cd etaleert Lisa Jacobs in Locatelli’s concerti 1,2 en 4, perfect haar aanstekelijke virtuositeit, gecombineerd met charme en een dansant, lachende, gepassioneerd lyrische aanpak.
On this CD Lisa Jacobs shows in Locatelli’s concertos 1,2 and 4 , perfect her infectious virtuosity, combined with charm and a dance , laughing , passionate lyrical approach.
Opusklassiek july 2016
“The Dutch violinist Lisa Jacobs (Amsterdam, 1985) stole my heart with this warm Italian baroque program. Sublime how she realizes this and how the deep glow of her instrument is embedded in this true top piece of Italian baroque violin art.”
De Volkskrant, 6 juli 2016
Jacobs’ vertolkingen zijn beeldschoon, gracieus en spatzuiver….
Musicalifeiten, june 2016
“Lisa Jacobs and The String Soloists make a magnificent celebration of the three concerts included here.
The soloist not only feels at ease in the virtuosic cadenzas, but also produces attractive, glossy melodic lines.”
De Gelderlander, june 2016
Technische beheersing wordt in één adem gekoppeld aan een dieper muzikaal inlevingsvermogen. De soliste onderstreept op treffende wijze de revolutionaire trekjes van Locatelli’s ‘Kunst van de Viool’.
Technical control is linked in one breath at a deeper musical empathy. The soloist underlines strikingly the revolutionary traits of Locatelli’s “Art of the Violin.”
1 review for Locatelli Violin Concertos
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Interesting. Entertaining. Moments that are breathtaking. And a fun listen!
With really great sound! Overall, an amazing and enjoyable listening experience.
Look, I cannot tell you if the performance is technically a good one, or if better or worse than any other. But I can say that I loved it.
One of my first from NativeDSD and Cobra Records.
I will be searching for more!
Bernard Polster (verified owner) –