A grand collection of reviews. If you are a professional music reviewer and would like to contribute a review to this blog, please contact us.
An in-depth review of ‘Left Hand Legacy Vol. 2’ from pianist Folke Nauta. Accompanied by Lars Wouters van den Oudenwijer and the Prisma String Trio and released on Cobra Records. A laudable initiative that deserves to be fully exploited. With this second volume of the Wittgenstein Project, many will be thrilled to get more out of the legacy discovered […]
This is a reposted article originally written for Positive Feedback by our friend Rush Paul. The great team at Positive Feedback, as well as Rush himself, have kindly given us permission to repost this and you can find the original article at this link. Thanks to Rush the PF team! As David Robinson and I […]
This is a reposted article originally written for Positive Feedback by our friend Rush Paul. The great team at Positive Feedback, as well as Rush himself, have kindly given us permission to repost this and you can find the original article at this link. Thanks to Rush the PF team! Homeland – Grieg’s Piano Concerto […]
Get Volume 1 & Volume 2 for 40% off when you buy the Double Album In my possibly somewhat subjective opinion, there is no other interpretation that brings Sibelius’s intent so remarkably to life. Summing it all up: This release is beyond the grasp of anyone else. With this Sibelius you get more Some scholars […]
A well-presented case to learn more about a largely unknown French composer. These days it seems to be common musician’s practice to bless a new release with a title that covers literally or spiritually the various items of their chosen programme. It also is common practice to further explain the choice in a personal note […]
Review of Petrit Çeku‘s Moments Musicaux, a wonderful journey through Schubert’s inner world. Another safe buy If the guitar player is Petrit Çeku, the music based on Schubert and the recording engineered by Gonzalo Noqué, then I’ve said it all. Another safe buy. End of story. When (a long time ago) my 14-year-old daughter had to summarize a […]
Adrian Quanjer, site reviewer at HRAudio writes about ‘Voyage’ – a “true organ-lover’s recording” from Jean-Baptiste Monnot. ‘En voyage’ avec Jean-Baptiste Every time Base2 Music release a dedicated organ album, one can be sure that “Jacob A. Purches, Producer, recording engineer, 3D designer, audiophile and music lover”, has done all in his power to make […]
Group review of five albums from Songlines Recordings covering a unique jazz quartet, intimate solo piano works, modern jazz improvisation that evokes African percussion, and more! Dive on in and explore more sounds of Songlines. Tony Malaby – ApparitionsRecorded in DSD 64 An artistic milestone of New York ‘downtown’ creative jazz with an avant-garde edge, […]
Paying Tribute to Musical Life in the ‘City of Water’ Once upon a time, Veneto was more than Italy is now. For centuries the Republic of Venice belonged to the greatest seafaring nations and global trade partners. Despite subsequent geopolitical changes, its capital’s rich cultural heritage remained intact until this very day. Venice is as […]
Gourmet for the connoisseur TRPTK continues to cater for the discerning music lover. This new release is another example. One disk unites musicians from three continents with a programme that covers even five (or six, depending on the definition). ‘Adrift’ is the aptly chosen name: “Bodies of water, shifting boundaries, crossing borders, wandering styles…”. Gourmet […]
Nothing but remarkable discoveries. As a staunch supporter of multi-channel, I usually stay clear of stereo-only recordings ever since the surround format became available. In my belief, the latter creates more depth and a considerably improved sense of presence. Not that surround is always better. Much depends on the mastering. I have recordings in which […]
Gianandrea Noseda, Music Director of a superbly crafted American orchestra, combines exuberant Italian passion with stylistic Viennese élan. Anyone looking for a new set of Beethoven symphonies, do count these blessings. Save 15% on the entire series with the DSD Bundle! One more to choose from. What’s on offer? After all those years, Beethoven is […]