Pilss Archives - NativeDSD Music https://www.nativedsd.com/composer/pilss/ Highest DSD Resolution Audio Downloads (up to DSD 1024) Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:50:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://media.nativedsd.com/storage/nativedsd.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/13144547/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Pilss Archives - NativeDSD Music https://www.nativedsd.com/composer/pilss/ 32 32 175205050 Heartfelt https://www.nativedsd.com/product/cc72745-heartfelt/ https://www.nativedsd.com/product/cc72745-heartfelt/#respond Fri, 03 Feb 2017 00:00:00 +0000 https://development.nativedsd.com/product/heartfelt/   During his own lifetime, Brahms enjoyed a reputation as an outstanding pianist and a most important composer. It is probably less well-known that he also learned to play the cello and horn as a youngster. His mother seems to have greatly enjoyed her son’s horn playing. It is therefore no great surprise that he […]

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During his own lifetime, Brahms enjoyed a reputation as an outstanding pianist and a most important composer. It is probably less well-known that he also learned to play the cello and horn as a youngster. His mother seems to have greatly enjoyed her son’s horn playing. It is therefore no great surprise that he started work on the composition of his Horn Trio just a few months after his mother passed away in 1865. He spent the summer of that year at the holiday home of his great supporter and advocate Clara Schumann, near Baden-Baden in the Black Forest, where he could find the peace and inspiration he needed in order to compose. Two years later, he took his friend Albert Dietrich to the spot where the theme of the Horn Trio’s first movement had occurred to him. “I was out walking one morning and when I arrived at this spot the sun started to glow; the theme came to me in an instant.” The first and third movements are to some degree nostalgic in nature and the work as a whole contains a number of references to the composer’s childhood. 

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Romance https://www.nativedsd.com/product/acdbe059-2-romance/ https://www.nativedsd.com/product/acdbe059-2-romance/#respond Sat, 19 Sep 2015 00:00:00 +0000 https://development.nativedsd.com/product/romance/ The hunters in the forest blow their horns excessively. The flute plays pastoral songs. Strings – sensitive artists par excelence – play intimate and virtuosic literature with depth. Images that we associate with romantic music.The trumpet player, however, sits mounted on his horse amidst the killing field and balloons his cheeks as he sounds the […]

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The hunters in the forest blow their horns excessively. The flute plays pastoral songs. Strings – sensitive artists par excelence – play intimate and virtuosic literature with depth. Images that we associate with romantic music.The trumpet player, however, sits mounted on his horse amidst the killing field and balloons his cheeks as he sounds the charge. The trumpet in actual practice: sooner serves the goal rather than art. That may explain why the major Romantic composers ignored the trumpet as a solo-instrument in the 19th century, although the technical possibilities of the instrument had increased enormously due to the invention of the valves. In the orchestra literature, the trumpet was always given the role of signal-horn; the versatile musical possibilities remained unutilised for a long time.

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https://www.nativedsd.com/product/acdbe059-2-romance/feed/ 0 3036