Michael Broughton writes about his preparations for the Dallas SWAF 2024. He will be showcasing music supplied from NativeDSD in collaboration with Locrian Audio.
Dallas SWAF | March 15 – 17, 2024
Read also ‘Dallas Southwest Audio Fest – Show Reports’
Well music lovers, it’s been awhile. Back in 2018 I put together a room For Merging Technologies. I wrote a series of articles for NativeDSD leading up to and during that show that were well received. We have now decided to repeat that successful collaboration.
I will be putting together another group of articles for your reading enjoyment for Locrian Audio out of Dallas, Texas, leading up to and during the Upcoming Dallas SWAF.
Locrian Audio (Basile Theodoropoulos) is the new US distributor for German Physiks Omni Directional speakers.
This is Basile’s first audio show so please let’s give him a warm welcome. If you’re coming to the Dallas SWAF swing by room 1239 and say hi. If you’re in the Dallas area feel free to swing by the Locrian Audio Studio for a listen. That would be well worth your time.
One is immediately struck by the knowledge you have stumbled across something powerful and exotic and delicate in this music. The first few Notes of Lara’s performance causes you to wonder comes next.