Michael Broughton writes about his preparations for the Dallas SWAF 2024. He will be showcasing music supplied from NativeDSD in collaboration with Locrian Audio.
Dallas SWAF | March 15 – 17, 2024
Read also ‘Dallas Southwest Audio Fest – Show Reports’
It’s been an interesting few years as a result of the pandemic and what it left behind. My wife and I lost our home to the Marshall fire in Colorado a couple of years ago. Lost a great deal of our belongings and resources but saved the sound system 🙂 Hey got to have priorities.
Joking aside we saved enough of the basics to start a new life in the lovely town of Amarillo, Texas. In the end it’s all good, we faired better than a lot of folks so no complaints.
And here I am working another show, this one for Locrian Audio at the Dallas SWAF.
I mentioned previously the articles I wrote for NativeDSD for Axpona 2018. A few of you approached me at that show and mentioned that you enjoyed them.
Well guess what, NativeDSD has decided to collaborate with us in the Locrian Audio room 1239 at the Dallas SWAF.
Sounds good, right? Why, yes it does but NativeDSD has gone far beyond just supplying music at the show for us music lovers. They will be providing flyers in the Locrian Audio room with coupon codes for up to 35% off five albums of your choice.
Which brings me to an NativeDSD artist I’m listening to as I write…
Mistery, from The Gabor Varga Jazz Trio, Cool Jazz.
Cool Jazz [Pure DSD]€14.99 – €47.49
I am transported back to images of the the beatnik era where talented artists of all kind would collect in a darkened room to bathe in words and music. Where those soft rhythmic musical notes would hang in the air and sooth the soul.
Cool Jazz, very cool.