In recording these Mozart Sonatas, a paradox quickly became apparent. I feel Mozart’s music is aimed at the heart. Approaching his music instinctively comes mostnaturally to me: it seems so effortlessly composed, and communicates to us directly. After all, why do children react so positively to this music of the heart? And yet I alsofound my experience of performing Baroque music helped me find a way of understanding and appreciating Mozart’s style.The inclusion of early, middle and late Sonatas on this disc conveys a balanced survey of Mozart’s music for violin and keyboard. Each Sonata stands out clearly in it’s ownright, revealing a snapshot in time of his developing personality. This is an ongoing voyage of discovery for me, and I feel I am only at the beginningRachel Podger
Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.Total time: 01:16:56
Additional information
Label | |
SKU | 21804 |
Qualities | |
Channels | 2ch Stereo, 5 Channel Surround Sound, 2ch Stereo & 5ch Surround |
Artists | |
Composers | |
Genres | |
Original Recording Format | |
Cables | van den Hul T3 series |
Digital Converters | Meitner A/D DSD / Meitner DA |
Mastering Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Mastering Equipment | B&W 803 diamond series |
Microphones | Bruel & Kjaer, Schoeps |
Mixing Board | Rens Heijnis custom design |
Producer | Jonathan Attwood |
Recording Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Recording location | The Church of our Lady ;South Creake, United Kingdom 2004 |
Recording Software | Pyramix bij Merging |
Recording Type & Bit Rate | DSD 64 |
Speakers | Audiolab, Holland |
Awards | |
Instruments | |
Release Date | March 5, 2014 |
Press reviews
Positive Feedback
Forget any reservations you may have about period instruments. No screechy, ill-tempered sounds here. The rich, dark sound of the fortepiano Gary Cooper is playing—a modern copy of an Anton Walter instrument from 1795—is complemented by Podger’s sweet violin that sounds both beautiful and, when called for, dramatic. And all of this delightful music making is supported by the excellent recorded sound engineered by Jared Sacks.
The Observer
Podger’s youth and Baroque experience combine to bring a charm and freshness of approach which suit these delightful pieces perfectly.
BBC Music Magazine
This young British duo are natural Mozartians, phrasing discerningly, summoning plenty of temperament when required, yet never over-egging the pudding when the composer is in guideless vein. …. the players responding creatively to each others phrasing
Gary Cooper plays with considerable freedom, often spreading chords to soften their impact or for extra expressiveness, and ornamenting repeated passages most imaginatively. Rachel Podgers accompaniments are unforced and flow easily, and she enjoys taking the lead, playing boldly yet with sensitivity.
a musical tour-de-force (…) The interaction between Rachel Podger and the gifted fortepianist Gary Cooper is no less than extraordinary. They succeed in cracking a formidable code that leads the listener to understand the musical connection between single phrases and larger sections within the sonata form Mozart perfected. () () Podger and Coopers masterly first endeavour captures the heart and the mind of the master.
International Record Review
There is some truly inspiring playing here (…) (…) While the ensemble between Podger and Cooper is as good as one could wish for theres not a note out of place it is the excellence of the violin accompaniments which stands out. (…) (…) Dual simplicity and sophistication of the performances. Warmly recommended
The Dallas Morning News
This isn’t the first project to record Mozart’s violin sonatas on period instruments, but it promises to be the first really listenable one. When coupled with the rich, dark sound of the fortepiano Gary Cooper is playing — a modern copy of an Anton Walter instrument from 1795 — the violin sounds both beautiful and — the point of it all — dramatic.
Strings Magazine
Podger knows how to step aside with allowing her part to seem entirely superfluous. This should be an outstanding series, and the perfectly natural SACD audio options greatly helps the musicians bring Mozart to life.
Gary Cooper is a hell of a fine keyboard player, his strong touch lets the fortepiano sing out not only with clarity but with a degree of warmth unusual for this instrument. He is a fully equal partner in these performances. … Podger’s playing has the bold, clear, brusque sound we are accustomed to from her.
En quelques annes Rachel Podger s’est impos comme une des toiles montantes du violon et l’on comprend pourquoi
So hort man Mozart gerne () Ensemble III Einen phänomenalen Mozart () (…) So voller Kontrasten, Spielfreude und Nachdenklichkeit und Witz muss Mozart selbst das auch ausgeführt haben (…)
Impressionnant, vraiment … Il y a une profusion, tout au long de cd disque, de la tendresse, de la posie, de la verve, de la joie de vivre, de la mélancolie. Bref, du Grand Art! Une integrale qui promet.
Er ist ein gleichwertiger Partner und nicht nur ein Begleiter …. So einen Mozart haben Sie bestimmt noch nie gehrt!! So ungefähr muss Mozart selbst gespielt haben – man kan ihn förmlich sehen, wie er seinen spa hat an dieser Musik
Transparenz und Leichtigkeit. Durch die feine klangliche Abstimmung und eine sorgfltig gestaltete Dynamik ergeben sich Klanggesprache voller Spiellust. Cooper ist wie Podger ein Spezialist
Podger en Cooper spelen met alles dat ze aangereikt krijgen, de timbres van hun instrumentarium, de kleuren van de harmonie, de beweging van het drama, de sensitieve elegantie van de melodie. () () Essentieel is ook de toewijding waarmee Jared Sacks de instrumenten heeft vastgelegd, zodat ze op superaudio cd apparatuur hun diepste klankgeheimen zonder terughouding prijsgeven.
Klassieke Zaken
Gary Cooper, de pianist, is een uitstekende gangmaker: fantasievol () Met twee partners die volkomen aan elkaar gewaagd zijn, levert deze cd een spannend uurtje luisteren op. Podgers ervaring in de barokke uitvoeringspraktijk biedt haar de beste kansen om Mozarts stijl te doorgronden.
Haagsche Courant
de violiste reageert alert en enthousiast op het flitsende spel dat Cooper ten beste geeft. Haar vioolklank heeft de ijlheid en de pregnantie waaraan we bij historische uitvoeringen van de 18e eeuwse muziek langzamerhand gewend zijn
Tijdschrift Oude Muziek
This should be an outstanding series, and the perfectly natural SACD audio option greatly helps, the musicians bring Mozart to life. Strings (…) de fluwelen van Podger en het subtiel uitgemeten spel van Cooper vormen de perfecte combinatie voor een sprankelende Mozart. (…)
met temperamentvol spel, gesteund door een vlekkeloze techniek. Rachel Podger, de violiste, kleurt haar partij prachtig in (…) (…) De sterkste troeven speelt het duo uit in de langzame delen en de zachtere, subtiele passages. Een adembenemend Andantino van de Sonate in Bes. Maar ook met tempo en dynamiek tot de uiterste grenzen opgevoerd worden er uitzonderlijke resultaten bereikt. Ik zie met hooggespannen verwachtingen uit naar de volgende afleveringen.
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