Unlike the piano, the king of instruments, only a small percentage of works has been written for solo violin. As everyone knows, a piano recital is a recital for solo piano. A violin recital, however, is usually a duet for violin and piano. Since the violin is mainly a single-melody-instrument, it is always a special challenge for the violinist to study the solo works, simply because most of them comprise both the melodic line and the accompaniment normally given to the piano…..Although it was a tradition in classical music for centuries that performer and composer were one and the same person, this custom sadly faded in the twentieth century. But we are fortunate in having some of the greatest masters of the violin, including Kreisler, Heifetz and Milstein, who composed or arranged many pieces for their instrument. Although Kreisler composed few solo pieces except his cadenzas for a number of violin concertos, his Recitative and Scherzo-Caprice is surely one of the most popular pieces among all those famous Viennese desserts. And the Paganiniana by Milstein, so cleverly based on variations by Paganini, forms a violin master’s tribute to the all-time iconic violinist.
Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.Total time: 01:03:23
Additional information
Label | |
SKU | 31210 |
Qualities | |
Channels | 2ch Stereo, 5 Channel Surround Sound, 2ch Stereo & 5ch Surround |
Artists | |
Composers | Berio, Ernst, Kreisler, Milstein, Paganini, Schnittke, Tarrega |
Genres | |
Original Recording Format | |
Cables | van den Hul |
Digital Converters | Grimm A/D DSD / Meitner DA |
Mastering Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Mastering Equipment | B&W 803 diamond series |
Microphones | Bruel & Kjaer, Schoeps |
Mixing Board | Rens Heijnis custom design |
Producer | Jared Sacks |
Recording Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Recording location | Deventer Holland 2011 |
Recording Software | Pyramix, Merging Technologies |
Recording Type & Bit Rate | DSD 64 |
Speakers | Audiolab, Holland |
Awards | |
Instruments | |
Release Date | August 18, 2015 |
Press reviews
Opus Haute Définition (english)
The Chinese violinist Ning Feng, was the winner of the latest international Paganini competition. “On this recording,” states Ning Feng, “I have included modern pieces that are conventional and ‘easy to listen to.’ But, as is the case in all great modern art, they give us a new vision, allowing us to create a new sound image based on the violin.” In a remarkably refined sound recording that respects instrumental tone and acoustic space, the Chinese violinist allows his virtuosity, never heavy-handed or outrageous, to flourish by being at the disposition of a vibrant, inspired and poetic musical discourse. This SACD is essential and exceptional.
Opus Haute Définition
Le violoniste chinois Ning Feng, était lauréat du dernier concours international Paganini. (…) “Dans cet enregistrement, souligne Ning Feng, j’ai inclus deux pièces modernes pour violon seul. Ces œuvres de Berio et de Schnittke ne sont pas des pièces conventionnelles et ‘faciles à écouter’. Mais comme tout grand art moderne, elles nous donnent une nouvelle vision, nous permettant de créer une nouvelle image sonore à partir du violon ». Dans une prise de son remarquable de finesse, respectant timbre instrumental et espace acoustique, le violoniste chinois laisse s’épanouir une virtuosité jamais appuyée, jamais outrée, mais bel et bien au service d’un discours musical vibrant, inspiré et poétique. Un SACD essentiel et rare.
Jean-Jacques Millo
www. Opusklassiek
De ‘duivelskunstenaar’ Paganini hebben we helaas nooit gehoord, maar wel die breed uitgewaaierde violistengeneratie uit zowel de eerste als de tweede helft van de vorige eeuw die ons deelgenoot hebben gemaakt van hun onvoorstelbare virtuoze capaciteiten. (…) (…) Dat Ning Feng tot de grootste violisten behoort staat wat mij betreft buiten kijf. Zeker, door de twee cd’s kan de schijn worden gewekt dat Feng ‘alleen maar’ een vioolvirtuoos is of wil zijn die de diepere kanten van de muziek langs zich heen laat glijden, maar het tegendeel is het geval, getuige de diepte die hij weet te bereiken in bijvoorbeeld Schnittkes ‘A Paganini’ (ook inhoudelijk een razend moeilijk stuk), Berio’s Sequenza VIII en Ernsts grandioze bewerking van Schuberts Der Erlkönig. Als u dan bovendien weet dat Feng heeft gestudeerd bij o.a. Antje Weithaas , dan begrijpt u wel dat Fengs spel heel wat verder reikt dan virtuoos vertoon. Misschien maken we het zelfs nog mee dat Feng, in navolging van sommige grote violisten, zelf stukken voor viool solo gaat arrangeren, wat stellig een verrijking van het op dit vlak niet al te dik gezaaide repertoire zou kunnen betekenen. Heel bijzonder, deze uitgave!
The highs and lows of the solo violin repertory are unashamedly showcased here: fortunately, it’s the highs that receive the lion’s share of disc time. Avoiding the stand-out 20th-century classic, Bartók’s Sonata, Ning Feng opts for Berio’s mesmerising Sequenza VIII and Schnittke’s marvellously mordant tribute A Paganini. Both are rendered with supreme virtuosity and, more importantly, with immense sensitivity to the musical shaping of line and the colouring of tone. (…)
Display and Dexterity.
Audiophile Audition
This is a stunning recording of solo violin works by a variety of composers. (…) None of these works is anything less that enthralling, and a few approach the incandescent. (…) So this is an unqualified recommendation of a wonderful album that demonstrates the highest artistic and programming skills possible. It doesn’t hurt that the Channel surround sound is up to its usual standards, and even a solo violin sounds great this way.
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