Both in his own time and after his death, George Frideric Handel’s outstanding reputation as a composer has rested mainly on the grandly stirring gestures of his most public works: the operas and oratorios he composed for the theatres of Georgian London. Nevertheless, Handel’s oeuvre includes a substantial body of chamber music, including some of the most satisfying and beautiful secular music of the period. Handel’s considerable collection of vocal works reveals a preference for texts in Italian and English, with very few works in his native German. Indeed Handel virtually abandoned German texts after 1708, with two notable exceptions: a Passion setting and a set of nine songs, both on texts by his friend, the enlightened poet and town Councillor Barthold Heinrich Brockes (1680- 1747). Not only did the two men share a Hamburg connection, but Brockes had studied at the University of Halle between 1702 and 1704, coinciding with Handel’s registered period of study there. Brockes held weekly concerts in his apartment at Halle, and perhaps these were the catalyst for his cultivating a lasting friendship with Handel. Around 1716 Handel composed a setting of Brockes’s Passion oratorio Der fu?r die Su?nde der Welt gemarterte und sterbende Jesus. In 1721, Brockes’s collection of poems Irdisches Vergnu?gen in Gott, bestehend in Physicalisch- und Moralischen Gedichten was published at Hamburg. They follow the main theme of God’s abundant goodness as evident from the joy and beauty to be found in nature. Arranged into ariosos, arias, duets, and with introductory or linking texts ideal for recitative, Brockes clearly wished to encourage musical settings of his poetry. The publication was popular, and successively revised and enlarged.
Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.Total time: 01:17:20
Additional information
Label | |
SKU | 35117 |
Qualities | DSD 256 fs, DSD 128 fs, DSD 64 fs, DXD 24 Bit, FLAC 192 kHz, FLAC 96 kHz |
Channels | 2ch Stereo, 5 Channel Surround Sound, 2ch Stereo & 5ch Surround |
Artists | |
Composers | |
Genres | |
Editing Software | Pyramix |
Original Recording Format | |
Cables | van den Hul |
Digital Converters | Grimm |
Mastering Room | Grimm LS1 |
Mastering Engineer | The recording was originally digitized using the Grimm AD1, which operates at DSD64. The original session tracks were edited and rebalanced (which meant going through the mixer)Â in the only available format for that purpose; the Pyramix 352.8KHz/24bit PCM (DXD). Prior to the advent of direct digital delivery, the next step in the production process from 352.8KHz/24bit PCM would be the DSD64 edited master for SACD production. What we have done now is also make a direct conversion to DSD128 and DSD256 from that original DXD edited master, without going through any interim processing steps. Those DXD to DSD conversions are not up-samplings, as they would be going from one PCM sampling rate to another, for they are different encoding systems. PCM is a digital value sample based system, and DSD is a digital bit density modulated system. Conversion from any PCM sample rate to any DSD bit rate system is a remodulation, not an up-sampling. We feel there is an audio advantage to this process in using the original files so we give you the choice and you can decide. Jared Sacks |
Microphones | Bruel & Kyaer, Schoeps |
Mixing Board | Rens Heijnis custom made |
Producer | Jared Sacks |
Recording Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Recording location | St. Johns, Upper Norwood, London |
Recording Software | Merging |
Recording Type & Bit Rate | DSD64 |
Instruments | |
Release Date | March 10, 2017 |
Press reviews
(…) Die kanadisch-britische Sopranistin Gilian Keith gestaltet die Da-Capo-Arien mit einem Vibrato in der Stimme, das natürlich aus ihrer Sprache fließt. Mühelos und mit Samtglanz in allen Lagen bettet sie in die melodienverträumten Kantilenen Triller und Verzierungen und tritt in einem Selbstverständnis wechselweise mit der Flöte oder Violine in einen Dialog, als sei sie eben nur das andere Instrument. Fürsorglich umspielt werden die Melodieführer von der Continuo-Gruppe. (…) Die Interpretation durch das Ensemble Florilegium begeistert durch ihre Frische, Leichtigkeit und hinreißende Souveränität.
BBC Music Magazine
Ashley Solomon and his Florilegium ensemble ring the changes between flute and violin, interspersing groups of arias with chamber instrumental pieces by Händel played with their customary refinement and expressive intimacy.
Fono Forum
(…) Philippens profiliert sich als technisch versierte Geigerin, feingefühlig begibt sie sich auf die Suche nach den Facetten romantischer Klanglichkeit.
(…) ein wundervolles Beispeil dafür das Flöte, Geige, Cello und Cembalo volkommen ausreichen, um dies vokalen Juwele zu optimaler Wirkung zu bringen. (…)
Aangename muziek door musici (…) die hecht samenspelen, helder opgenomen door Jared Sacks en de zijnen.
Classics Today
(…) it’s hard not to be charmed by her (Gillian Keith) straightforward style and youthful tone and temperament (…)
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