There is something special about Prokofiev’s music. You realise that each and every note is pain stakingly put into place, which could appear to be almost distanced and mathematical, but nothing could be further from the truth, for his music touches the soul. The perfect balance between wonderful melodies and catching rhythmic passages is also something I find really fascinating.
I have looked forward to recording the Five Melodies for a long time, because I think they are such gems, the one even more beautiful than the other. Julien and I recorded them under only a few spot lights, and this minimum of lighting was just right: although the pieces are quite short, they tell a complete story.
As I practised the Violin Concerto, I could not get the heavenly theme of the second movement off my mind. We recorded the work in Sankt Gallen. Surrounded by the great glaciers, the setting was so different from that of the intimate duo pieces.
After two days of rehearsals and recording, we finished with the coda of the third movement. Although I was already quite tired from all the concentration, its pulsating beat, so clear in the duet with the bass drum, gave me the energy to go all the way in each and every take.
Rosanne Philippens
Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.Total time: 01:04:18
Additional information
Label | |
SKU | 39517 |
Qualities | DSD 256 fs, DSD 128 fs, DSD 64 fs, DXD 24 Bit, FLAC 192 kHz, FLAC 96 kHz |
Channels | 2ch Stereo, 5 Channel Surround Sound, 2ch Stereo & 5ch Surround |
Artists | |
Composers | |
Genres | |
Mastering Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Recording Type & Bit Rate | 64fs |
Recording Software | Merging |
Recording location | St. Gallen, Switzerland, Hilversum, The Netherlands |
Recording Engineer | Jared Sacks, Annemiek Dirkzwager |
Producer | Jared Sacks |
Mixing Board | Rens Heijnis custom made |
Microphones | Bruel & Kyaer |
Mastering Room | Grimm LS1 |
Editing Software | Pyramix |
Digital Converters | Grimm A/D |
Cables | van der Hul |
Original Recording Format | |
Conductors | |
Instruments | |
Release Date | September 27, 2017 |
Press reviews
Positive Feedback
Philippens’ playing is totally assured, with great lyrical beauty. (…) Throughout Philippens’ performance of the concerto, I was enchanted by her gently and precisely shaped phrases, her lyricism, her willingness to draw back, to draw out, a line for emphasis. Without ever sounding over-done. (…) the lightning-quick third movement is played tongue-in-cheek, all with a technical skill that is simply breath-taking. (…) the sound quality is another special treat from Jared Sacks. The balance between soloists and orchestra, and between violin and piano, are very natural. No spotlighting, but all very detailed and clear. (…) In both venues, I feel like I am in the presence of real acoustic instruments playing in a real space. Many thanks!
Music Emotion
(…) een twee-eenheid optima forma. (Rosanne Philippens en dirigent Otto Tausk ) Dat is ook het geval in de werken waar Rosanne begeleid wordt door de Franse pianist Julien Quentin. De opname van Jared Sacks is als altijd: top!
Audiophile Audition
(…) A beguilingly varied program that’s a showcase for violinist, composer, and orchestra alike. (…)
(…) on this album Philippens proves herself a fiddler well worth following: her tone is robust and warm, technical abilities impressive, interpretive sense keen, and the musicality she displays is top-drawer.
BBC Music Magazine [Concerto Choice, Jan 2018]
Quite a double whammy, this. Not only is the programme as a whole both satisfying and unusual, but also Rosanne Philippens’s startling partnership with the excellent St Gallen Symphony Orchestra and Otto Tausk puts her Prokofiev Second Violin Concerto right at the top of the many recent recordings – her (Dutch) compatriot Janine Jansen’s included. This most natural of concerto recordings was made in St Gallen’s Tonhalle, which must be very fine on this evidence. (…) Interpretative poetry and excitement
Luister [9]
Philippens komt met de deur in huis vallen en trekt ons vanaf de eerste noot in de muziek. (…) gecontroleerde roekeloosheid (…) De opname is een waar spektakel
Paul Witteman – TV Show Host ‘Podium Witteman’
(…) Rosanne strijkt anders. Zonder veel tierelantijnen, helder en recht. Ze is de aankomende vioolvedette die het verdient om een reuzesuccesnummer te worden.
Dutch violinist Rosanne Philippens presents a nicely structured Prokofiev program. Her playing is vigorous as well as profound and expressive. Pianist Julien Quentin as well as the orchestra from St. Gallen under the baton of Otto Tausk are equally good, so that this disc is really appealing.
MusicWeb International
Rosanne Philippens’s playing is totally assured, both technically as well as lyrically beautifully. The support from the Swiss orchestra is fully idiomatic.
Fono Forum
Rosanne Philippens ist eines der vielversprechendsten Geigentalente aus den Niederlanden, das bestätigt dieses Prokofjew-Programm. Im zweiten Violinkonzert stellt sie die Kontrastspannung zwischen Kantabilität und Virtuosität schön heraus. Die Solosonate klingt wie ein kleines Meisterwerk. In den Fünf Melodien (…) entdecken Philippens und ihr Klavierpartner Quentin kammermusikalische Intimität.
De Gelderlander
De eerste twee delen van het Tweede vioolconcert in g, opus 62 uit 1934 spreken boekdelen. De opbouw is grandioos. Geen enkel detail blijft onbelicht, terwijl de grote lijnen nooit uit het zicht verloren worden. Philippens weet het gouden randje in de klank van haar viool telkens weer naar de oppervlakte te halen. (…) De combinatie van het concertrepertoire met de kamermuziek doet het ook goed. Samen met pianist Julien Quentin brengt Rosanne Philippens een betoverende vertolking van Five Melodies, opus 35bis. (…) een daredevil die verdraaid goed weet wat ze doet!
De Volkskrant
(…) Opnieuw heeft Rosanne Philippens een juweel van een cd gemaakt. (…) Ze maakt de melodie persoonlijk, met kleine glijertjes tussen de tonen en een klankintensiteit die je niet los laat. (…)
Klassieke Zaken (Aangenaam Klassiek)
(…) De violiste van de ‘bezielde viooltoon’ zet Prokofjev niet alleen neer als een kind van zijn tijd, maar vooral als mens van vlees en bloed. En dat beklijft.
Opus Klassiek
Ze speelt flamboyant, gaat voluit, zoekt onbeschaamd de tegenstellingen in deze muziek op maar weet die wel perfect te doseren. Dat kan alleen als de technische aspecten van het vioolspel – zoals hier – ten volle worden beheerst.
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