This is the first recording on Channel Classics with the Italian based MIB Wind Ensemble. Comprising the best players from the top orchestras of Italy, these musicians felt the need to create their own ensemble to fill the gap in repertoire and concert possibilities for wind instruments.
The two major early composers having written for winds would indeed be Mozart and Beethoven. So, there are no better fitting pieces than the two octets combined with the Rondino of Beethoven. Though considered ‘Tafelmusik’ – music for special occasions, “street music“, the Mozart Serenade first movement is anything but street music. No friendly and polite little piece of entertainment, but serious, sometimes threatening eight-part wind music full of chromaticism, dramatic leaps and definitely unfestive dissonances. The Octet of Beethoven also has the classical four movement structure, but he wrote the piece as an official concert piece.
MIB Wind Ensemble
Rossana Calvi – Oboe
Erika Rampin – Oboe
Corrado Orlando – Clarinet
Antonio Graziani – Clarinet
Andrea Bressan – Bassoon
Dennis Carli – Bassoon
Loris Antiga – Horn
Vinenzo Musone – Horn
Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.Total time: 00:50:44
Additional information
Label | |
SKU | 44122 |
Qualities | DSD 512 fs, DSD 256 fs, DSD 128 fs, DSD 64 fs, DXD 24 Bit, FLAC 192 kHz, FLAC 96 kHz |
Channels | 2ch Stereo, 5 Channel Surround Sound, 2ch Stereo & 5ch Surround |
Artists | |
Composers | |
Genres | |
Original Recording Format | |
Producer | Jared Sacks |
Recording Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Mastering Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Recording Location | Villa San Fermo in Lonigo, Italy during March 2021 |
Microphones | Brüel & Kjær 4006, Schoeps |
Analog to Digital Converter | Horus, Merging Technologies at DSD 256 |
Recording Software | Pyramix Workstation, Merging Technologies |
Cables | Van den Hul – exclusive use of Van den Hul 3T cables |
Analog Mixing Board | Rens Heijnis, Custom Design for Jared Sacks |
Mixing Room Loudspeakers | Grimm LS1 |
NativeDSD Exclusive | Available in Stereo and 5 Channel DSD 256, DSD 128, DSD 64 and DXD plus Stereo DSD 512 exclusively at NativeDSD Music |
Instruments | |
Release Date | January 28, 2022 |
Press reviews
MusicWeb International
The joyous mood of Beethoven’s Octet Op 103 is nicely captured here, the MIB players as ever delicious in their phrasing and collective observation of dynamics. Rhythmic bounce, eloquence of melodic line, delight in Beethoven’s witty exchanges and refinement of texture are all here in abundance, and I can’t imagine anyone having any complaints about such a performance.
Positive Feedback
So, the music… Hmmm… Well, it is Mozart. It is Beethoven. It is being performed by uber-talented wind players from several top orchestras. And I like it!
I like that both main works are complex—no fluffy stuff going on in either piece. I like that Mozart challenges one to think about what he is doing with the music. He flips it around, he turns it inside out, he uses dissonance and chromaticism. The music has tension. (What? Mozart? Oh, yes.) And, I like that Beethoven demands of the performers supreme effort, despite composing the work when only in his twenties. And, further, I like that the performers chose to include the Rondino in E-flat Major as the bridging track between the two major works. The Rondino was originally Beethoven’s intended finale of the Octet. Even though Beethoven abandoned it and wrote a new finale, I appreciate the original is included here as a standalone piece.
NativeDSD Blog
What is the secret? Find some good players, select music that is not yet (Mozart) or hardly (Beethoven) available in high definition, written by famously appreciated composers, and recorded by Jared Sacks. That’s all. And when it’s done, the pleasure is entirely yours.
I do not know what MIB stands for. But what I do know is that these are all seasoned soloists. Mostly hand-picked Italian musicians playing or having played in prestigious orchestras. Brief bios are given, but listeners may want to find out more on the internet. I for one have hugely enjoyed all of it, and I wasn’t sitting at my kitchen dining table. This is best listened to in the intimacy of your preferred listening room.
Check it out.
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