La Esfera de Apolo

Musica Temprana

(13 press reviews)
Original Recording Format: DSD 64
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Jose de Orejón y Aparicio was the first Latin American-born musician who was appointed in Lima as Kapellmeister. The lives of these forgotten eighteenth-century master coincides with a peak in the cultural development of the Peruvian capital. Orejón represents italianization of music with virtuoso outbursts for violin and vocals. His music is both typical Peruvian with powerful themes, delicate harmonies and energetic rhythms.

Only 19 works by the mestizo priest, organist, singer and composer José de Orejón y Aparicio have been preserved, but these offer quite enough for an understanding of the importance of his music. However, he wrote more works, as an inventory of 1809 recognizes 39 compositions of his. Two decades after his death he was already being referred to as “El Huachano Nebra”, a nickname he earned because of his home town and his talent, comparable with the famous Spanish composer José de Nebra.

This DSD album is the first European recording devoted to the work of the great master of Lima. It comes accompanied by the hope that his name will be associated with the great composers of the period such as Nebra, Literes, José de Torres.


Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.
Ah del dia, Ah de la fiesta - Duo
Ah del dia, Ah de la fiesta - Recitado
Ah del dia, Ah de la fiesta - Aria
Ah del dia, Ah de la fiesta - Coplas
Sonata Coreliana para tecla I - Pitipie
Sonata Coreliana para tecla I - Allegro
Por besar de este Fesnix las plantas - Estribillo
Por besar de este Fenix las plantas - Coplas
Sonata Coreliana para tecla I - Grave Quitasol
Sonata Coreliana para tecla I - Giga
Jilguerillo sonoro - Duo
Jilguerillo sonoro - Recitado
Jilguerillo sonoro - Aria
Jilguerillo sonoro - Coplas
Sonata III a 2 con organo - Grave
Sonata III a 2 con organo - Allegro
Sonata III a 2 con organo - Largo
Sonata III a 2 con organo - Fuga Giga
Sonata III ? 2 con organo - Minuet
Enigma sagrado - Estribillo
Enigma sagrado - Coplas
Ah, de la esfera de Apolo - Duo
Ah, de la esfera de Apolo - Recitado Oh! Senora en ti tan sola
Ah, de la esfera de Apolo - Aria
Ah, de la esfera de Apolo - Recitado Si armado de alas fragiles de cera
Ah, de la esfera de Apolo - Aria grave
Al post Comunio - Tocatta
Segun veo el Aparato - X?cara
Dolores y Gozos de San Joseph

Total time: 01:10:05

Additional information





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Digital Converters


Editing Software


Mastering Engineer

Tom Peeters


Bruel & Kyaer, Schoeps

Mixing Board

Rens Heijnis custom made



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Original Recording Format


Tom Peeters

Recording Engineer

Tom Peeters

Recording location

Waalse Kerk, Amsterdam Holland

Recording Software


Recording Type & Bit Rate


Release DateNovember 9, 2016

Press reviews

Revista Musical Catalana

A joyful recording, Apollonian and high-flying (like the Phoenix and Icarus that Orejón brings up anagogically in one of the songs), interesting because of the lyrics, the music and the excellent performance by the ensemble Musica Temprana, which brings the music to some extent Mestizos like Orejón himself.

Eighteenth-Century Music, march 2019

“Overall, the recording is very good. The singers, particularly the two sopranos, are excellent and have clear voices that complement each other. They are at home with the Spanish language and the musical styles, and ornament the music elegantly during da capo arias. In my opinion, the two violinists are the highlight of the recording. They stand out by their ability to quickly change styles from languid harmonies in the slower movements of the instrumental works to crisp Italianate rhythms in the arias and duets. They perform with a panache that can be heard even without being seen, and their tuning is crisp. Indeed, the tuning of the ensemble in general is solid, which distinguishes them from many other groups performing South American repertory. Adding the guitar and harp gives the music a distinctly Spanish sound even when the music is predominately Italianate. They do not overpower the delicate blend of styles, though, with unwarranted rasgueado articulations or other markers of Spanish music.”

Ópera Actual, june 2017

‘The performance by the Dutch group Música Temprana, conducted by the Argentinean Adrián Rodríguez van der Spoel is fantastic, with brilliant sonority and a transparent sound, counting also with the talent of two sopranos who prove to be experts in the style: Lucía Martín Cartón and Soledad Cardoso, with excellent control of the vocal lines and great capacity for figured singing. To this are added the punctual interventions of the tenor Fernando Guimarães, always accurate. A CD that helps to understand the development of the musical art in Hispanic America.’
‘La interpretación a cargo del grupo holandés Música Temprana que dirige el argentino Adrián Rodríguez Van der Spoel es fantástica, de brilante sonoridad y sonido transparente, contando además con el talento de dos sopranos que demuestran ser expertas en el estilo: Luciá Martín-Cartón y Soledad Cardoso, de excelente control de la línea vocal y gran capacidad para el canto florido. A ello se unen las puntuales intervenciones del tenor Fernando Guimarães, siempre atinadas. Un CD que ayuda a comprender el desarrollo del arte musical en la América Hispana.’

Scherzo Magazine, july 2017

‘Both singers are magnificent (…) The instrumental parts are played by musicians of the highest level, with violinists Mónica Waisman and Florian Deuter and a continuo that plays with an extraordinary rich timbre and an almost boundless imagination. The interpretation is rich in details, contrasts, vitality and emotions. Hopefully they lead to a further dissemination of the name of this outstanding peruvian composer.’
‘Entre las voces, dos magníficas (Soledad Cardoso & Lucía Martín Cartón) (…) El conjunto instrumental lo forman solistas europeos de primerísimo nivel, con Monica Waisman y Florian Deuter en los violines y un continuo de riquísima tímbrica y desbordante imaginación ornamental (Francesco Corti, Robert Smith, Manuel Vilas Rodríguez, Adrian Van Der Spoel). Interpretaciones detallistas, contrastadas, vitalistas, emotivas. Ojalá sirvan para difundir el nombre de un notabilísimo compositor peruano.’

Scherzo magazine, july 2017

‘Entre las voces, dos magníficas (Soledad Cardoso & Lucía Martín Cartón) (…) El conjunto instrumental lo forman solistas europeos de primerísimo nivel, con Monica Waisman y Florian Deuter en los violines y un continuo de riquísima tímbrica y desbordante imaginación ornamental (Francesco Corti, Robert Smith, Manuel Vilas Rodríguez, Adrian Van Der Spoel). Interpretaciones detallistas, contrastadas, vitalistas, emotivas. Ojalá sirvan para difundir el nombre de un notabilísimo compositor peruano.’

‘Both singers are magnificent (…) The instrumental parts are played by musicians of the highest level, with violinists Mónica Waisman and Florian Deuter and a continuo that plays with an extraordinary rich timbre and an almost boundless imagination. The interpretation is rich in details, contrasts, vitality and emotions. Hopefully they lead to a further dissemination of the name of this outstanding peruvian composer.’

Luister, april 2017 5 out of 5

“De contrasterende timbres van sopranen Lucia Martin Cartón en Soledad Cardoso zorgen voor extra veel levendigheid bij de toch al vitale ritmiek en beweeglijke melodieën van Orejón. Het speelplezier spat eraf.”
“The contrasting timbres of sopranos Lucia Martin Cartón and Soledad Cardoso provide much extra vibrancy to the already vital rhythms and moving melodies of Orejón. The fun splash off”

Stretto, march 2017

Particularly striking of this album is the vocal and instrumental qualities of Musica Temprana. They combine a perfect balance with transparent voicing and sophistication. An extraordinarily beautiful CD. Can not be missed!
Een bijzonder opvallende eigenschap van deze cd zijn de vocale en instrumentale kwaliteiten van Música Temprana. Ze combineren een perfecte balans met transparante stemvoering en raffinement. Een buitengewoon mooie cd. Niet te missen!

Pizzicato, march 2017

‘Musica Temprana’ führt diese lateinamerikanische Barockmusik sehr lebendig und farbig auf

Volkskrant, maart 2017 4 out of 5

“Het kleine oeuvre is gevarieerd en van hoge kwaliteit. Música Temprana brengt zijn muziek levendig, geloofwaardig en soms nog zeer aangrijpend ook (…)”
“The small amount of works is varied and of high quality. Temprana Música brings its music lively, credible and sometimes very moving as well (…)”

Musica Dei Donum, febr 2017

“Programmes with music from the New World mostly focus on the extroverted, and often include the use of percussion. No need for that here: there is no lack of the rhythms which we associate with Spanish and Latin American music but there is also room for intimacy and true expression. That makes this disc pre-eminently suited for repeated listening. It is a treasure you shouldn’t miss. ”

Opus Klassiek, jan 2017

Een bijzonder belangrijke, zo niet doorslaggevende factor voor de promotie van deze kostelijke muziek zijn de vocale en instrumentale kwaliteiten van het ensemble: dit is kernachtig samengevat wereldtop. Het is de combinatie van fenomenaal esprit en perfecte balans en stemvoering die deze muziek naar voor mij ongekende hoogten stuwt. Er is in dit musiceren (en daar betrek ik de drie vocalisten uitdrukkelijk bij) zoveel finesse en raffinement te ontdekken dat het niet anders dan adembenemend is.
Last but zeker not least is daar die voortreffelijke opname: Tom Peeters heeft er weer een ‘obra maestra’ van gemaakt.
‘A very important, not to say decisive factor in the promotion of this wonderful music are the vocal and instrumental qualities of the ensemble: these are, in a nutshell, world class. It is the combination of phenomenal esprit, perfect balance and voicing which for me drives this music to unprecedented heights. In this music making (I explicitly would like to involve the three vocalists here) there is so much finesse and sophistication that one can only conclude it’s breathtaking.’

facebook, jan 2017

*Refined Baroque music from the New World*
The ensemble Música Temprana, specialized in Renaissance and Baroque music from Latin America and the Spanish Empire of that era, has released 6 CD’s so far. Their latest recording, La esfera de Apolo (or ‘Apollo’s Heavenly Sphere’, 2017) is devoted to the music of the Peruvian priest, musician and composer José de Orejón y Aparicio. It is the first European recording of this unjustly forgotten master. Oréjon, child of a mixed marriage, was born in Huacho around 1706. He was the first Latin-American born musician who was appointed maestro de capilla in Lima. Only 19 of Orejón’s works have been preserved from the at least 39 pieces he composed. As this CD testifies, the music is of a very high quality, combining Italian melodies with Peruvian lyrical themes and rhythms. The music is very refined and elegant, both soothing and stimulating. I was in particular moved by the villancio Enigma sagrado (or ‘Sacred mystery’), in which the two sopranos beautifully echo and respond to each other. I am very grateful to the ensemble Música Temprana for uncovering this hidden treasure from the New World. The music is a passionate cry for peace and harmony, much needed for in the troubled world of today. As is sung in the cantade Jilguerillo sonero (or ‘Rowdy goldfinch’): “And thus that melodious effort / shall give the holiest circle / harmonious offering”.

Facebook, jan 2017

“La Esfera de Apolo” is de titel van de nieuwste CD van Musica Temprana. In dit album staat het muzikale werk van de Peruaanse componist en muzikant Jose de Orejon y Aparicio (1706-1765) centraal. Het album bevat 29 tracks, bestaande uit diverse villancicos, sonates en cantates. De CD bevat een boekje, waarin een korte biografie van Orejon wordt geschetst en waarin de liedteksten zijn opgenomen.
Musica Temprana vertolkt sinds 2001 onder de leiding van de bevlogen Adrian Rodriguez Van der Spoel op professionele wijze (volks)muziek uit de Latijns-Amerikaanse Renaissance en Barok-periode. Met recht mag deze bevlogenheid uitdrukkelijk worden vermeld, omdat Rodriguez Van der Spoel niet heeft nagelaten om bij de totstandkoming van deze CD nader onderzoek naar het werk van De Orejon te verrichten. Hetzelfde werk, dat eerder op raadselachtige wijze van de aardbodem leek te zijn verdwenen, maar waarvan een gedeelte door Zuidamerikaanse specialisten is herontdekt en gereconstrueerd. Zo gezegd gaf Musica Temprana enkele verloren gewaande meesterwerken toch weer een gezicht. Dat feit alleen al maakt het album bijzonder!
Dan naar de inhoud. Zoals gezegd kenmerkt het album zich doordat het een diversiteit aan muzikale werken bevat. Door de opname van instrumentale sonates naast de gezongen liederen wordt een aangename variatie en afwisseling bereikt, waardoor het album tot de laatste minuut blijft verrassen. De eerste track “Ah del dia!, Ah de la Fiesta!” vestigt al meteen de aandacht op de uitmuntende en krachtige vocale uitvoering door de sopranen van het ensemble. Naast de hoge vocale kwaliteit van de sopranen en de tenor mogen de opvallende kracht, de ritmiek, de rijkheid en kleurrijkheid van de cantates en villancicos niet onvermeld blijven. Aandacht mag ook zeker gevestigd worden op de plezierige harmonie en elegantie in de sonates, die overigens meer dan welkom zijn wanneer deze wordt afgezet tegen de energiekheid van de gezongen liederen. Als het ware ontstaat daardoor iets van contrast, maar zeker niet te veel, waardoor in zijn totaliteit grote finesse en balans wordt bereikt.


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