Haydn Violin Concertos

Lisa Jacobs, The String Soloists

(2 customer reviews)
(12 press reviews)
Original Recording Format: DSD 64
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Haydn Violin Concertos features Lisa Jacobs and the String Soloists.  This Cobra Records album is available in Stereo, Binaural and 5 Channel Surround Sound DSD 256, DSD 128 and DSD 64 at NativeDSD.

Almost every commencing violinist comes in contact with the violin concertos of Joseph Haydn. Who among us has not practiced the first movement of his cheerful G-major concerto? However, these wonderful gems of Haydn’s extensive oeuvre are now rarely heard on the concert stage.

After the death of Haydn, his violin concertos unfortunately became used more as study material for young violinists than concert pieces. Perhaps this is due to the lack of a certain grandeur, extraversion, and obvious virtuosity for the violin soloist, but these concertos are Haydn at his best; full of simplicity, elegance, and an abundance of charm. The transparency of these works and the lack of obvious virtuosity actually makes them a great challenge for performers.

For The String Soloists and I, the study, investigation, and frequent performing of these concertos has been a true revelation over the past season. Initially written for the Esterhazys and presumably for the solo violinist of the court ensemble at that time, Luigi Tomasini, as a listener you will feel drawn back into the 18th Century.

As was common at the time, I have written my own cadenzas for these concertos in which I try to briefly express my thoughts on the musical material and add a shimmer of my own character to every movement.

We hope you enjoy these wonderful concertos by Joseph Haydn and that this recording can contribute in their public revival and return into the concert hall!

Lisa Jacobs, Violin
The String Soloists


Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.
Violin Concerto No.1 C major Hob.VIIa 1 - Allegro moderato
Violin Concerto No.1 C major Hob.VIIa 1 - Adagio
Violin Concerto No.1 C major Hob.VIIa 1 - Finale. Presto
Violin Concerto No.3 A major Hob.VIIa 3 - Moderato
Violin Concerto No.3 A major Hob.VIIa 3 - Adagio moderato
Violin Concerto No.3 A major Hob.VIIa 3 - Allegro
Violin Concerto No.4 G major Hob.VIIa 4 - Allegro moderato
Violin Concerto No.4 G major Hob.VIIa 4 - Adagio
Violin Concerto No.4 G major Hob.VIIa 4 - Allegro

Total time: 01:07:38

Additional information





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Acoustic Revive

Digital Converters


Editing Software


Mastering Engineer

Tom Peeters


Bruel & Kyaer

Mixing Board

Rens Heijnis


The recording was originally digitized using the dCS 904, which operated at DSD64. 

The original session tracks were edited and rebalanced (which meant going through the mixer) in the only available format for that purpose; the Pyramix 352.8KHz/24bit PCM (DXD). Prior to the advent of direct digital delivery, the next step in the production process from 352.8KHz/24bit PCM would be the DSD64 edited master for SACD production. What we have done now is also make a direct conversion to DSD128 and DSD256 from that original DXD edited master, without going through any interim processing steps.

Those DXD to DSD conversions are not up-samplings, as they would be going from one PCM sampling rate to another, for they are different encoding systems. PCM is a digital value sample based system, and DSD is a digital bit density modulated system. Conversion from any PCM sample rate to any DSD bit rate system is a remodulation, not an up-sampling.

We feel there is an audio advantage to this process in using the original files so we give you the choice and you can decide.



Original Recording Format


Tom Peeters

Recording dates:

April 19 & 21, 2017

Recording Engineer

Tom Peeters

Recording location

Cunerakerk, Rhenen, The Netherlands

Recording Software


Recording Type & Bit Rate


Release DateSeptember 1, 2017

Press reviews

Positive Feedback

Jabobs creates stylish performances that are energetic, incisive, and articulate. They literally dance to the ear and stay in one’s memory. If you enjoy Hadyn’s music as much as I do, you owe it to yourself to hear these performances.

NativeDSD Listener

Tested my 1st binaural recording – Haydn Violin Concertos by Lisa Jacobs. Downloaded from NativeDSD Music in DSD 256.


De Gelderlander, sept 2018 5 out of 5

Lisa Jacobs speelt hier op haar Rugieri uit 1683 een buitengewoon zangerige partij, fraai gewelfd en knap opgebouwd. Klavecinist Jan van Grootheest begeleidt haar met een delicaat luitregister, terwijl The String Soloists voor een slanke pizzicato inbreng tekenen.

Gramophone, dec 2017

Lisa Jacobs fields a band of no more than 14 string players, with a very present harpsichord accompaniment. Ensemble and phrasing are ideal, and Jacobs’s own cadenzas are in keeping with their surroundings. Her tone is clear and consistent.

The Strad, may 2018

The fast outer movements are incisively articulated, sprightly and energetic, especially the punchy, rhythmic finales of nos.1 and 4, and their changing moods are admirably contrasted. The reflective central slow movements are interpreted with beauty and poise, albeit with an intensity that barely stops short of Romanticism, especially the Adagio moderato of no.3. However, they showcase perfectly the sonority and tonal purity of the soloist’s 1683 Rugeri. She seems very much at home with her small group of Amsterdam-based string players, who, led by Janneke van Prooijen, interact with her alertly and sensitively.

MusicWeb International

Young Dutch violinist Lisa Jacobs takes a very appealing approach to Haydn’s under-appreciated violin concertos…These violin concertos are from an early period in Haydn’s career, and Jacobs presents them with en ear to their baroque connections. This means embracing their long melodic lines, and recognizing that the music is more discursive than the more concise compositions of middle and late Haydn. Jacobs recognizes that the violin concertos are episodic, and that it is not a bad thing to explore this aspect. In the earliest C major concerto, Jacobs’s opening fanfare rings confidently. Her cadenza is both graceful and showy. The concluding presto is full of gentle tension. The A major ‘Melk’ concerto opens with a measured pace, but is not slow. In Jacobs’s hands, we are reminded of C.P.E. Bach more than Beethoven. The G major concerto is perhaps the least interesting of the set, until the dazzling rondo finale, which here makes a great conclusion to the disc…this new Haydn set is stylish, well-recorded, and rather addictive.

Luister, dec 2017

‘Een orenspitsende luisterervaring..De openingsdelen zitten vol energie, de langzame delen vol poezie en de finales vol aanstekelijke virtuositeit. Voor een violist lijkt me dit heerlijk om te spelen en aan Lisa Jacobs is dat ook wel te merken. Zij mag best eens haar gerechte plaats opeisen naast Janine Jansen, Liza Ferschtman, Simone Lamsma en de nieuwste ster Noa Wildschut, want ze doet niet voor hen onder. Met The String Soloists heeft ze haar eigen strijkje dat met dirigentloos samenspel de perfectie dicht benadert en toch spontaan blijft klinken. Past helemaal bij Haydn’

Pizzicato, dec 2017 4 out of 5

Joseph Haydn’s Violin concertos are less forward-looking, less characteristic and therefore less popular than larger parts of his other works. Young Dutch violinist Lisa Jacobs presents her view on this charming music together with The String Soloists from Amsterdam. Putting her own stamp on this music is further enhanced by her own cadenzas.
Der jugendliche Elan der Ausführenden überträgt sich hörbar auf die Musik. Damit tragen sie diese Konzerte schwungvoll an die Ohren der Hörer, ohne deren musikalische Gestalt zu leugnen oder zu überfordern.
Ihren persönlichen Stempel drückt die Solistin den Konzerten dadurch auf, dass sie ihre Sicht auf diese Werke mit eigenen Kadenzen darbietet.

BBC Music Magazine, dec 2017 4 out of 5

Crisp, clean playing buoyant orchestral interaction and superb recorded sound all make this a very pleasurable listen.

Stretto.be, okt 2017

Lisa Jacobs heeft een magnifieke toon en een superbe beheersing van haar rechterarm, hét geheim van het vioolspel. Daarenboven bespeelt ze een heel bijzondere “Francesco Ruggieri” uit 1683 met een schitterende, Franse strijkstok, gebouwd door Joseph Henry (1823-1870). De strijkstok is omzeggens de vervolmaking en de verfijning van de strijkstokken vervaardigd door Henry’s voorgangers, de Franse archetiers uit de eerste helft van de 19de eeuw, Dominique Peccatte, Pierre-Paul Simon en François Xavier Tourte. De cd werd opgenomen in de laat-gotische hallenkerk, de Cunerakerk in het Nederlandse Rhenen (provincie Utrecht), onder de perfecte, sonore supervisie van Sound engineer Tom Peeters en zijn magische opstelling van zijn gesofisticeerde “Brüel & Kjaer” microfoons. Hopelijk draagt de opname van deze prachtige concerti bij tot de publieke revival van deze onbekende maar schitterende Haydn muziek in de concertzaal, hoopt Lisa. Een heel mooie soliste op een fenomenaal mooie cd die u geenszins, maar dan ook geenszins, mag missen!

Musicalifeiten, okt 2017

“Lisa Jacobs leidt het in 2015 opgerichte enthousiaste, merendeels jonge vrouwelijke elftal String Soloists van concertmeester Janneke van Prooijen vanaf de strijkstok en toont zich een heel stijlvolle en sensitieve soliste die zich nooit opdringt. Vooral haar serene lezing van het sereen-overpeinzende adagio-molto deel uit het Concert in C is memorabel. Ook de mooie cantilene, het middendeel van het Concert in G met pizzicato begeleiding viel erg fraai uit. De snelle delen sprankelen.
De in een kerk gemaakte opname klinkt mooi in balans. Opdracht volledig geslaagd. Met bijna zwaarteloos spel, een grote zorg voor homogeniteit en een dwingende overredingskracht kom je een eind.”

Opus Klassiek, sept 2017

“Het is een en al gesublimeerde levenslust (Presto nr. 1 en Allegro nr. 4!) maar ook dichterlijke diepgang (Adagio nr. 1 en 4!) die zij uit haar viool tovert. Die intense muzikaliteit wordt nog eens uitdrukkelijk bevestigd door de fraai geproportioneerde cadensen van haar hand. Maar ook het virtuoze en glanzende spel van het ensemble deed mij herhaaldelijk denken aan die welgemeende uitspraak van Mozart. Een beeld overigens dat we ook terugvinden op haar Locatelli-cd. Tom Peeters toont zich weer de opnametechnicus bij uitnemendheid. Wow!”

2 reviews for Haydn Violin Concertos

    Brilliantly recorded, and Lisa Jacobs is presented very well – slightly more forwardly as is my own preference. The mics have been very well located and the spatial separation is excellent.

    I also very much appreciate the opportunity to have both Binaural and “regular” 2-channel Stereo options. Comparing them is fascinating and there are clear differences, though much harder to put into words. You will just have to try them out!

    Group recordings are more demonstrative of the Binaural difference than single instrument recordings, so this is a good one to try out.

    “The String Soloists” are in fine form here and very well mic’d. This is a gorgeous album.

    A delightful recording of a delightful performance. Great sounding and a pleasurable listen. Highly recommended.

    See also the Locatelli Violin Concertos. Also wonderful!

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