Few composers can have inspired a wider range of people with their music than Johann Sebastian Bach, (1685-1750). His works are still beloved listening for vast numbers of enthusiasts today. Rare is the music student who has not at some time performed his music or played his suites and partitas on the violin, cello, flute, saxophone, accordion, organ or piano. There seems to be no end to the stream of performances and recordings – and for good reason: his music remains a potent source of inspiration.
Bach has also proved an inexhaustible source of inspiration for composers. Although he was the target of considerable criticism in his day, and his works were rarely if ever performed in the years immediately after his death, his standing among colleagues was undisputed. In particular Das Wohltemperierte Klavier (The Well-tempered Keyboard) was considered a virtual handbook for composers. Haydn was familiar with the collection, Mozart transcribed portions of it for string quartet, Beethoven was taught from it, and Chopin used the music to warm up before concert performances.
Bach’s vocal compositions did not have a commensurate reputation. But after Mendelssohn organized a performance of the St. Matthew Passion in 1829, it proved to be the start of a genuine Bach revival for wider audiences. In the following years, both Schumann and Liszt became passionate advocates for Bach’s music. Liszt, as a touring piano virtuoso, aroused wild enthusiasm with his own arrangements of several of Bach’s major organ compositions. In this way he established the foundation for a vast repertoire of arrangements and transcriptions that appeared in the succeeding generations. A varied selection of these can be heard on this CD.
Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.Total time: 01:15:16
Additional information
Label | |
SKU | COBRA0038 |
Qualities | |
Channels | 2ch Stereo, 5 Channel Surround Sound, 2ch Stereo & 5ch Surround |
Artists | |
Composers | |
Genres | |
Mastering Engineer | Tom Peeters |
Original Recording Format | |
Digital Converters | DCS 904 AD & DCS 954 DA |
Microphones | B&K 4003, modified by Rens Heijnis |
Mastering Equipment | KEF Reference series 107 |
Mixing Board | Rens Heijnis custom made |
Producer | Tom Peeters |
Recording Engineer | Tom Peeters |
Recording location | Westvest90-Hall, Schiedam, Holland |
Recording Type & Bit Rate | DSD64 |
Recording Software | Pyramix |
Awards | bbc-music-5-5, bbc-music-choice, bbc-music-mag-5stars, editors-choice, luister, nederlands-dag-5-ster, pizzicato-5, trouw-5, volkskrant-5 |
Instruments | |
Release Date | January 5, 2014 |
Press reviews
Opus Klassiek, sept 2016
Dit was de tweede – en schitterend opgenomen – cd waarmee Hannes Minnaar zich (al in 2013) presenteerde, nog voor zijn avontuurlijke en meeslepende Beethoven vertolkingen, samen met Jan Willem de Vriend. Over zijn technisch meesterschap hoeven we het niet te hebben, dat is evident. Over zijn fantasierijke omgang met repertoire al evenmin. Met een toelichting van eigen hand bewijst hij bovendien ook met de pen uitstekend overweg te kunnen. Maar het allerbelangrijkste is dat hij met een aangeboren muzikaliteit al deze eigenschappen weet te combineren tot een totaalervaring die er niet om liegt: Bach op de piano, een onweerstaanbaar anachronisme dat, als het zo goed gedaan wordt als op deze cd, de gelukzalige stemming teweegbrengt waarin die Seele ruht.
“early contender for Gramophone instrumental record of the year. The piano sound is a real pleasure…..the programme is artfully conceived”
Volkskrant 13 november 2013
“Je hoort gewijde klanken die boven en onder elkaar schuiven en samen rechtstreeks naar de hemel reiken”
“Wat een kunstukje haalt Minnaar uit in het uiterst complexe en vliegensvlug gespeelde ‘Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g’mein’! Alleen Busoni zelf deed hem dat na.”
“Minnaar beroert de toetsen op zijn karakteristieke manier: vanuit een volmaakte rust, glashelder en niet zelden op de grens van het onderkoelde”
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