Silvestre Revueltas was born on New Years eve of 1899 in Santiago Papasquiaro in the Northern Mexican province of Durango. He began playing the violin at the age of eight and studied violin and composition between 1918 and 1922 at the Chicago Music College. In the 1920s he toured as a violin soloist and conductor through the southern United States and Mexico, until the composer Carlos Chavez, at that time Mexicos most important musical authority, asked him to come back to Mexico to be his assistant with the Orquesta Sinfnica de Mxico. This orchestras recent establishment was very much part of a movement which, following the revolution of the teens, was concerned with providing the fledgling Mexican state with a distinctive identity. Revueltas became aware that this endeavor would not be served by re-interpretations of European classics, and concluded that he himself could make an important contribution by devoting himself to composition. In the 10 following years he produced an oeuvre, composed at a feverish pace, in which he used his knowledge of European music to create an effective, sober musical style which strongly expressed his love for the Mexican cultural heritage…
Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.Total time: 01:06:11
Additional information
Label | |
SKU | 21104 |
Qualities | |
Channels | 2ch Stereo, 5 Channel Surround Sound, 2ch Stereo & 5ch Surround |
Artists | |
Composers | |
Genres | |
Mastering Equipment | B+W 803 Diamond series |
Conductors | |
Original Recording Format | |
Cables | van den Hul |
Digital Converters | Meitner AD/DA DSD converter |
Microphones | Bruel and Kjaer, Schoeps |
Mastering Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Mixing Board | Rens Heijnis custom design |
Producer | Jared Sacks |
Recording Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Recording location | Tilburg Holland |
Recording Software | Merging Technolgies |
Speakers | Audio Lab |
Recording Type & Bit Rate | DSD64 |
Awards | |
Instruments | Bassoon, Clarinet, Flute, Horn, Piccolo, Saxophone, Timpani, Trombone, Tuba, Bass clarinet, Double bass, Cello, Harp, Oboe, Percussion, Piano, Trumpet, Viola, Violin |
Release Date | May 10, 2014 |
Press reviews
das spiel der von Werner Herbers geleitenen Ebony Band einfach zu przise und souvern. Die Intonation ist bombensicher, das Zusammenspiel absolut perfekt, alles wirkt minutis einstudiert und sorgfltig ausgefhrt; die Musiker haben es tatschlich verstanden, die Musik auf den Punkt zu bringen. (…) (…) Erstaunlich ist neben der stets unbndigen rhythmischen Energie tatschlich die gerade orchestrale Klangflle, die das Ensemble zu erzeugen vermag. (…) (…) Darber hinaus bietet die SACD bereits in der Stereo-Version ein gestochen scharfes Klangbild. Das von Strgeruschen aus dem Publikum nur marginal beeintrchtigt wird.
Das Orchester
klare Strukturierung und hrbare Freude am spiel dieser zumeist sehr heiteren, mitunter gerade witzige Musik. (…) Fono forum () ungemein lebhafte und intelligent gearbeitete Musik – Das Orchester
Superb CD, each piece is full of instrumental colour and speaks in distinctive voice ()! () Outstanding performances, among the best of this repertoire committed to disc () Fanfare
American Record Guide
the players are exquisite, execution is absolute precise, tempos are anything but dreary, and the rich, resonant engineering is also warm and balanced () () Even if you don’t like Mexican music, there’s something wrong if it doesn’t make you want to sing or dance.
Classics Today
Recorded live before a very well-behaved audience, Channel Classics’ multichannel production defines the best in SACD technology, offering exceptional clarity and giving a tactile presence to the players without excessive emphasis coming from the rear. The percussion section sparkles, while contributions of the less assertive instruments (solo strings and harp) register naturally, in excellent balance. This outstanding and unusually interesting disc is one that the composer’s many admirers should find irresistible–and it’s also an excellent way to get to know Revueltas generally. Classics Today
Klassieke Zaken
aanstekelijke composities, opzwepend Mexicaans slagwerk en zwoele dansmuziek Meeslepend.
Gramophone – Editors Choice
Spectacularly recorded chamber works by Mexicos master of the grotesque Revueltas recordings. Heres a disc brimful of energy. If you like the sound of Stravinsky in neo-classical mode then these spiky, rhythmically vital piece by the Mexican Silvestre Revueltas (1899-1940) will be just up your street. And given the fire that these players (many from Amsterdams Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra) bring, its hard to imagine it better done. A splendid disc derived from concert performances Highly recommended.
Brabants Dagblad
Mooi aan de muziek van Revueltas is dat overal zijn Mexicaanse achtergrond hoorbaar is. een cd van een van de weinige serieuzefeel good componisten () () De Ebony Band speelt olv Werner Herbers uiterst aanstekelijk. Parool (…) Wie deze kamermuziek van Revueltas niet kent, MOET deze cd beluisteren. Alle werken erop intrigeren (…)
The Guardian
musical charm, humour and an originality that ranks him along the leading composers from the Americas in the period between the two world wars. (…) The Guardian
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